"We don't call a tree a resource, we don't call the fish a resource. We don't call the bison a resource. We call them relatives. As Onondaga elder Oren Lyons remarked during the 25th anniversary Earth Day Celebration in Washington D.C.
All Rebels are invited to make an OIL TOTEM in their community to then bring to LONDON from the 23rd May leading to a procession and ceremony on the 27th May (TBC)
the OIL HONOURING TOTEM/ honouring our Earth's blood. Dear Rebels EARTH WISDOM TENDERS XR to the 40 DAYS FOSSIL FUEL FAST(23rd FEB to 23rd MAY) OUR ACTION PERIOD ~ 12th April (Eostre) to 22nd April (Earth Day-Oil Day- Her Blood Day) leading to BIG ACTION 23rd May Around the blood of our mother, oil as ancient sunlight, an ancestor, whose light and power we experience now like star light coming from a million years ago. The layers in the earth down through mycelium, stones, waters, oil is very very far down. We have broken her bones and taken her blood. Let's make a-mend. The totem. The idea of honouring this being (bringing through that everything is sacred and has spirit). Oil is an addiction of this culture. rejecting or vilifying doesn't work...thanking and acknowledging all she has given us, and how we have abused her, feeling our grief, before we prepare to let her go. Creating respectful relationships. How much do we want to heal this earth and the relationship with oil, and what are we willing to give for it? Also visiting Charles Eisenstein's idea that it need not be a deprivation, this move to a new way of living with our earth....we don't like the current model, can we see it, instead of letting go of oil, as embracing our transition to an oil free culture in a beautiful way? creating the world our soul longs for? Feeling the heartbreak of what happened with oil, to her and to feel our hearts and also the fierce love we feel for earth. Compassion too for us and the trap of the dominant culture and the difficulty to step into oil free ways of living. With Love and Cœurage EARTH WISDOM TENDERS XR Part of XR CONNECTING COMMUNITIES and XR COMMUNITIES and XR FAITH BRIDGE #earthwisdomtenders #xrfaithbridge #xrconnect #petrol #sacredactivism #soulactivism #fossilfuelfast |
26th February-23rd May 2020:
Deepening rebel resilience and regeneration An invitation for deep self and community nourishment from the beginning of Lent to the end of Ramadan. How could all rebels nurture themselves such that come the 23rd May, and for the duration of this coming rolling rebellion, they were held with a deep solid sense of connection to themselves and the ultimate reason why they are rebelling? Starting from the beginning of Lent (26th February), and ending with the end of Ramadan, Earth Wisdom Tenders are inviting all rebels to partake in an earth a-tending experiment that promises to tend to our Selves so that we can tend to the earth, and, following the great mystical and pan-faith understanding of reciprocity, tend to the earth so that we can tend to our Selves. In the recognition that the largest being on Earth is the wood wide web known as mycellium, and that through this web each tree in the forest is connected in a mutually supportive community of trees, the invitation is for all rebels to spend a little time with a tree every day leading up to the rebellion, and further, to be in relationship with other rebels about the process and their experience. During the course of this time with the tree, the invitation is to just be still and with a sense of curiosity, watch the buds as they swell, burst open and the leaves emerge, to pay attention to it and the other beings that interact with it – the birds, the insects, animals. Is the tree in the shade or the sunshine? Does that affect the emergence of the leaves? Of blossom? Does it even produce blossom? Where does that emerge from? Does it come before or after the leaves? Does your tree produce fruit, nuts or seeds? Or does it not? How does it reproduce? In this process of spending time with our tree, we are also invited to treat it as a living being that, in the spirit of reciprocity, we wish to give something back to – this could be in the form of a song, or a poem; we might draw it, or speak of its beauty and how it inspires us; in some traditions this might include tobacco, or chocolate or things that are precious to us, even money. It does not matter what species of tree it is, although if this is a new experience for you it might be easier to choose a tree that has no leaves over the winter. If you have no access to a tree, or shrub, where you live, we would suggest planting a bulb in a pot and nurturing that every day. It is intended that spending a little time with a tree every day leading up to the May rebellion may bring some or all of the following benefits: · It is an extremely easy way to practice some daily nature connection, recognised by people the world over as being regenerative. · It will build a relationship with a living being that is neither human nor animal, thus opening the possibility of deepening Earth connection as the bedrock of our rebellion · And in the heat of the rebellion we will be able to draw on that tree connection to act as an anchor for us · And after the rebellion, in that after-the-action slump when we need to nurture ourselves and take care of our physical needs for rest and recuperation, our tree will help by being a place we can spend time Check in with this Event page to find spaces leading up to, and during the rebellion, for the sharing of tree journeys, thereby creating a forest of XR tree stories….. In this way Earth Wisdom Tenders intend to support all rebels in deepening their own resilience and deliberately cultivating regenerative roots for their rebellion With Love and Cœurage EARTH WISDOM TENDERS Part of XR CONNECTING COMMUNITIES and XR COMMUNITIES and XR FAITH BRIDGE |